Neuromorphic Computing and Engineering Community

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Advances in Neuromorphic Visual Place Recognition

Advances in Neuromorphic Visual Place Recognition

  • Tobias Fischer
  • 2024, April 18
  • 23:00 - 00:30 CET

Tobias Fischer shares advances in neuromorphic visual place recognition.

Upcoming Workshops

Recent Workshops

Accelerating Inference and Training at the Edge

Accelerating Inference and Training at the Edge

  • Maxence Ernoult
  • 2024, March 5

Join us for a talk by Maxence Ernoult, Research Scientist at Rain, on accelerating inference and training at the edge.

The ELM Neuron: An Efficient and Expressive Cortical Neuron Model Can Solve Long-Horizon Tasks

The ELM Neuron: An Efficient and Expressive Cortical Neuron Model Can Solve Long-Horizon Tasks

  • Aaron Spieler
  • 2024, February 27

Aaron tells us about the Expressive Leaky Memory (ELM) neuron model, a biologically inspired phenomenological model of a cortical neuron.

NIR: A unified instruction set for brain-inspired computing

NIR: A unified instruction set for brain-inspired computing

  • Jens E. Pedersen
  • 2024, February 5

We show how to use the Neuromorphic Intermediate Representation to migrate your spiking model onto neuromorphic hardware.

Recent Posts

NorthPole, IBM's latest Neuromorphic AI Hardware

NorthPole, IBM's latest Neuromorphic AI Hardware

  • Fabrizio Ottati

Translating the NorthPole paper from IBM to human language.

Spiking Neural Network (SNN) Library Benchmarks

Spiking Neural Network (SNN) Library Benchmarks

  • Gregor Lenz, Kade Heckel, Sumit Bam Shrestha, Cameron Barker, Jens Egholm Pedersen

Discover the fastest Spiking Neural Network (SNN) frameworks for deep learning-based optimization. Performance, flexibility, and more analyzed in-depth

TrueNorth: A Deep Dive into IBM's Neuromorphic Chip Design

TrueNorth: A Deep Dive into IBM's Neuromorphic Chip Design

  • Fabrizio Ottati

Explore the innovative TrueNorth neuromorphic chip, its event-driven architecture, low power operation, massive parallelism, real-time capabilities, and scalable design.

Efficient Compression for Event-Based Data in Neuromorphic Applications

Efficient Compression for Event-Based Data in Neuromorphic Applications

  • Gregor Lenz, Fabrizio Ottati, Alexandre Marcireau

Discover methods to efficiently encode and store event-based data from high-resolution event cameras, striking a balance between file size and fast retrieval for spiking neural network training.